• Why do I need a web site?
• How much does a web site cost?
What will my web site address be?
• How will people find my web site?
• Can I build or maintain my web site?
• How long will it take for my web site to be created?
• How will I keep track of the traffic to my web site?
If you don't see your question listed here, please contact us. Why do I need a web site?
No matter what business you're in, you should have a web site. A large number of your potential customers are using the internet -- do you want them to find you, or your competition?
Your web site will be available 24 hours a day for anyone to look at... answering more questions than you could ever hope to by phone. Your own web site also makes it possible to stay in touch with your customers like never before.
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How much does a web site cost? As you might imagine, the answer to this question can vary dramatically depending on the type of web site you want.
For more information, please see our web design page.
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What will my web site address be? Your web site address will be www.yourcompany.com.
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How will people find my web site? People will find your web site many ways. A great majority of your site's visitors will most likely find you through the various search engines. As a courtesy to our customers, all web design customers receive free search engine submission. Another way to drive traffic to your site is to put your address on everything you can (such as letterhead, advertisements, business cards, fax cover sheets, etc.).
For more information, please see our web promotion page.
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Can I build or maintain my web site? Certainly... and we can even help you along the way!
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How long will it take for my web site to be created? This answer to this question is really up to you. The most labor intensive part to web site creation for you will be gathering your materials and deciding what you want on your site. Once that is complete, most web sites will take 1 - 2 weeks to create.
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How will I keep track of the traffic to my web site? If you choose to host your web site with us, we'll provide you with a username and password allowing you to access your web site's statistics page. This page will show you how many visitor's you've had, where they came from, when they visited, what they looked at, how long they spent at your site, and more.
If you choose to host with another provider, we will work with that provider to gain access to your site's statistical information.
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